Friday, December 12, 2008

Celebrating Anne

My sweet friend, Anne Belk, went to live with Jesus in August. (Read related post) Tomorrow would have been Anne's birthday. In honor of her birthday, Wendy Pope has written a beautiful devotion celebrating Anne and the impact she had on others. (Read the devotion)

Anne lived her life for Jesus. Nothing made her happier than leading others to Christ. Her devotion to her Lord and Savior inspired Wendy's devotion in honor of Anne.

My friends...

Please read the devotion.

Please pray that many will come to know Jesus through Anne's devotion.

Please forward the devotion to your friends and family.

Please pray for Anne's family. Her husband and children are grieving the loss of the heart of their home. They celebrate her new residence, but miss her terribly.

Sweet Blessings,

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