Monday, March 23, 2009

The Good, The Bad , and the Just Plain Gross!

Ya'll... there are actually some days that I am glad that no one is sleeping next to me at night! I have had the crud for the past week now and about the only thing that would make me feel any worse is knowing that someone I loved had to look at me or smell me in this condition! Seriously!!!!

There is snot dripping out of my nose... constantly.

The only thing I have been able to stomach for several days is Ginger Ale so when I cough... I fart.

When I cough, it sounds like I am hacking up a lung... or at the very least a fur ball.

My eyes are puffy, my lips are chapped, and I have blown my nose so many times that it is crusty and peeling... looking very much like crusty boogers!

I wake up in the middle of the night with cough drop drool pooling on my pillow.

If I don't have a tissue handy when I feel a sneeze coming on... it's best to run for cover 'cause part of my brain may come spewing out.

I'm pretty sure even Shrek would be grossed out at this point!

If you are wondering about "The Good" it's that it seems my condition is improving and I may in fact live after all. It was touch and go for a while but... I'm on the mend and able to laugh at the grossness!

I pray that the crud has not spread to your home but, if it has, I pray you find the humor in it!

Drippy Blessings,


Chaplain Cris Nole said...

Hey girl, praying for you, I hope you feel better soon.

Love you

Chef Diane said...

Oh, sweetie the word picture I have in my head right now is priceless, like you. I'd still give you a hug.
This weekend I got it, and this coming is the competition I was telling you about.
Feel better,

Chef Diane said...

So have you stopped feeling like Shrek's cousin yet?
I still feel related. lol

LeAnn said...

Hi Diane,

Well... I don't have as much energy as Donkey but I'm getting there. It's been almost two weeks - which is how long I've heard this lasts. Hang in there. It does get better... slowly!

Love You,