Friday, January 2, 2009

I Survived New Year's Eve!

Well - I survived Christmas and the dreaded New Year's Eve! When I wasn't working, I spent much of my time in my jammies watching Christmas movies and working on my messages for an upcoming retreat.

Have you ever noticed how many Christmas movies are about a widow with a son? And have you noticed that there is always a perfect male character who, for some reason, has never married, is extremely handsome, is well-adjusted, has a steady income, a great sense of humor, is intelligent, etc? Sometimes he actually rides up on a horse!

Seriously! What's up with this?! I hate these movies and yet I find myself watching them every year. I don't know about your world but in mine... this scenario just isn't realistic. Oh... did I mention that the widow is always thin and gorgeous?!

I'm thinking of writing my own screenplay. First... the "heroine" will be a size 14 not a size 2! Her house won't be perfectly clean. Her child will have dirty clothes all over his floor and he won't have perfect little dimples in his cherubic face! She will struggle to be a good mom and to find quality time to spend with her child while having to work full time to pay the bills. She will accidentally put toothpaste on her face and benzoil peroxide on her toothbrush. Her child will argue with her and she will snap back at him. They will be late to school at least one day a week. She will cry herself to sleep at night.

Oh... when Mr. Perfect rides up on his horse... she recognizes that anyone that looks that good and has all his perfect qualities but has never married... is actually a Ted Bundy or a cross dresser!

I don't mean to be pessimistic but honestly, those movies are just a fantasy. They leave me, momentarily, thinking that this could happen to me. They create an unrealistic dream. I'm very briefly hopeful before I crash back to reality.

OK - be honest... have you ever sat through these movies and fought the urge to throw things at the television? What's your reality?

That's it for today. I have to go buy some fat jeans!

Sweet Blessings,


Luanne said...

Amen, Sister
I don't know what there is about those movies that we can't stop watching, guess we are romantics at heart.

Let me know when you get your screen play written. I'd love to buy the first copy to watch on NYE.

Have a great 2009.


Chef Diane said...

There is a part of me that wants to laugh, but you are so right. What you described is the "real life", what you saw was the "movie life". I think as long as we keep getting the reality checks of the teenage aroma raising from the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Hopefully no more mix ups on the toothpaste. Then the everyday reality checks of the overspill of stress that we as single moms have in the way of snaps at teenage sons, we are alive sister. CAN YOU FEEL IT!
I am finding that I may think I will die from the smell of teenage boy. But have decided that when the smell starts coming down the steps that is when I get involved. If I need to snap, I warn them or ask for forgivness. I am learning they need this as well.
God counts my tears at night and holds me close. He will renew my strenght to fight another day.
For the record, I call them fluffy jeans, not fat. :-) hang in there

Retta said...

Yes! LoL! On all accounts ladies...We hate those movies we love to watch because we are hopeless romantics, who, by God's own grace only, are able to see the realities of this sinful world. We are not perfect and as such don't expect anyone or thing else to be either.

But never forget: John 11:35
"Jesus wept"

If the only "perfect man" can cry then by gawly we who are not almighty nor all-knowing can bawl our hearts out when we need to!

And always renmeber: Deuteronomy 11:12

For we live in... "a land for which the LORD your God cares; the eyes of the LORD your God are always on it, from the beginning even to the end of the year."

HAPPY NEW YEAR! For this is HIs year...Amen?

Daughter of the King said...

Dear Leanne
I couldn't agree with you more!!
I have been reading your blogs for a while now, but have never commented. I find comfort in your writings; I, too, am a widow (11 1/2 years) with eight children.
Blessings to you Sister from the land down under,

Daughter of the King said...

Oops sorry, I spelt your name wrong :(