Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year - New Hope

Each year I choose and claim a new verse for the year. I print out the verse (with my name inserted) and put it over my desk, in my bathroom, tuck it in my Bible, etc. I immerse myself in this verse.

I trust God to give me a verse each year so on New Year's Eve I open my Bible and ask God to direct me. Here is the promise He has for me this year:

"I am with you always, LeAnn, even to the end of the age."
(Matthew 28:20)

El Roi, the God who sees me, knows that I struggle with loneliness. He knows that I struggle with self-worth. He knows that I struggle with feeling overlooked and insignificant.

He knows.

When I opened by Bible on the loneliest night of the year (for me), God reminded me that I am never alone. He is with me ALWAYS. And, because He equips me to do His work, I have self-worth through Him. If those He places within my sphere of influence see Him through my words and my actions, then I certainly am significant.

He is with me ALWAYS.

Before my feet hit the ground each morning I will remind myself that God's Word is alive and personal. I will repeat His promise to me that He is with me always. I will go through each new day knowing that I do not walk alone and I do nothing without His help and His guidance.

He is my hope for each new day and this new year. And, my sweet friends... He is yours!
